The Well-Being Wheel

The Well-Being Wheel can be used as a tool to check in with your wellness to better understand what is going well and what may be challenging.


Health & Wellness Well-Being Wheel

As you look at the Wheel, you can ask yourself: How can I align my values with my choices? How do my identities, strengths, and experiences affect my wellness? How is my community supporting my wellness? How am I contributing to others’ wellness?


Wellness vs. Well-Being: What's the Difference? 

Wellness is...

an active process that helps individuals reach their optimal well-being by integrating all the dimensions of wellness into their lives: physical, social, emotional, spiritual, environmental, intellectual, occupational, and financial.

Well-being is... 

is an optimal and dynamic state that allows people to achieve their full potential (e.g., happiness, functioning, fulfillment, satisfaction) through both the individual pursuit of wellness and the commitment and support of the communities to which they belong. 

Making choices surrounding wellness and well-being involves SKILLS that are developed through KNOWLEDGE and SELF-AWARNESS, along with COMMUNITY SUPPORT. There are many services and programs through Health & Wellness and other resources on campus that can help.

Learn about the Health & Wellness Philosophy

Explore the 8 Dimensions of Your Wellness

various emoji faces with a magnifying glass over one


person standing on top of a mountain with a flag


hand holding a piggy bank


A head with books, pages, and leaves coming out the top


A person with a briefcase on its left side and a heart on its right side


A person with a moon icon, swimming icon, and carrot icon over the top


Three talking bubbles with happy faces inside


An icon of a mountain with water below and sun above


Well-Being Professional Development for UNH Employees

We invite employees to attend a professional development on how you can use the new Well-Being Wheel designed by Health & Wellness to enhance your own well-being and the well-being of UNH students.

In this training, you will:

  • Learn the difference between wellness and well-being.
  • Gain an understanding of how identity impacts well-being.
  • Understand the role values can have in enhancing well-being.
  • Learn how the well-being wheel can be used as coping tool.
  • Develop ways to use the well-being wheel with students.
  • Understand the resources/programs/services on campus to make appropriate referrals.

This training is free and open to all employees and graduate assistants on the UNH Durham, UNH Manchester, and UNH Law campuses. Registration is required.

The sessions below apply to the general UNH community. If you would like to request a professional development session tailored to your specific department or organization, please complete this form.


Check back for updates.

Date Time Location Presenter Registration
Wed. Sept. 27 11 am - 12 noon

Thrive Kitchen,

239 Hamel Rec Center

Kathleen Grace-Bishop Well-Being Professional Development: In-Person Registration | Health & Wellness (
Thurs. Oct. 19 11 am - 12 noon Zoom Shannon Seiferth

Fri. Nov. 17 9:30 - 10:30 am Zoom Dawn Zitney